Monday, May 31, 2010

caterpillar :-)

Originally uploaded by Sandra Rose

Sunday, May 31, 2010
(harumph! I could not get this to post by pasting from my notepad last night - so here it is today...)

I have not slept yet, so it's still Sunday as far as I'm concerned. I used to have issues with this - when I had little ones and worked graveyard shift. It's not tomorrow until it's been tonight... Those were hard years. Too many years of not enough sleep. Too, too many.

I changed the cd in the car yesterday on the way to work. Don't laugh, it's an issue. I usually don't change it for weeks at a time - and primarily I listen to it on the way too and from work - and primarily I listen to AC DC and Metalica and such. It pushes out thoughts and lets me shift gears from personal to 'get ready for it, I'm on my way!' I'm finding that tiring. So I changed the cd today. I put in one from one of daughters. She sent it to me a long time ago, but I havn't listened to it for ages. Norah Jones, nice, it was a good decision. I'm going to ask her what she's listening to these days. She has good taste in music :-)

Music can really affect your mood, and your ability to concentrate and create. They have done studies.

I'm hoping I'll get some 'happy' mail tomorrow. Waiting on a cheque from a previous employer, and waiting (waiting and waiting and waiting) for a package from my mother. I think I got my astounding powers of procrastination from her... Astounging power. We shall see I suppose!

So I am thinking keeping up with my blog will be good for me, good for my frame of mind, good for my attitude, good for me. So in that train of thought I'm proposing to myself a framework of sorts. I'm working off my list of interests - there will probably be some rearranging as time goes by. Here's the list:

writing, pondering

recipe collections
preserves and canning
gardening, havesting
thrift store treasure hunting, thrifty methods, make-do ideas and projects

vintage patterns - embroidery AND other craft...
antique and vintage books and digital images
medieval arts and crafts - ohhh so pretty!

embroidery of any kind
spinning - ohhh so fluffy!
knitting/crochet (Thursday is Knitting Group here in Falkland!)

stained glass
scrapbooking - paper and digital

Saturday: free thinking and doing
Sunday: free thinking and doing

Being Monday, even though I have not slept yet, I'll share one of my favorite photos with you. When I was growing up in Saskatchewan, these little guys were always around. They are marvelouse. I have no idea what kind of moth or butterfly they turn into. Probably something horrid like a cabbage moth! But they are very charming and sociable in this state!

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